For Norwich City’s players and coaches, under the leadership of Daniel Farke, long hours on the training ground have been a major aspect in their return to the Premier League.

Strength and conditioning has been crucial behind the success City have had in the division. Having introduced more gym-based training sessions this year, the team have had time to increase their strength and power which has led to significantly higher stamina.

City’s goals this season have often come towards the end of the match when fatigue has kicked in with other teams – a unique trait seen in this 18-19 season.

Zak Pitt, Managing Director at Jordan Fitness, says: “It’s a proud moment for us to be celebrating Norwich City’s rise to the Premier League. We provide customised free weights and a huge range of gym equipment to several professional football teams in the UK and across Europe, but as a lifelong Norwich City fan this is the ultimate end to the football season for us.”

City’s Head of Performance Chris Domogalla, added: “The partnership has helped us support our team with top quality fitness equipment to help them adapt well to our training philosophy.

“We feel we have a great partner working with us which has helped benefit the players’ performance on and off the pitch this season.”

Based in Norfolk, Jordan Fitness has been at the forefront of the design, manufacture and supply of functional fitness equipment for over 25 years, providing a range of fitness facilities with functional training products both within the UK and internationally.


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