With the last-minute busyness of getting ready for Halloween, it is easy to neglect your workout in favour of costumes and sweets. While we all enjoy the fun that Halloween brings, you can still incorporate a bit of festivity into your weekend by completing this fun themed dumbbell workout.
Our Classic Rubber Dumbbells are perfect for this workout, and can help you to exercise with minimal space in your home!
1 – GHOSTLY Goblet Squat
This exercise is perfect for any level of fitness, and helps to work your:
- Quads
- Calves
- Glutes
- Abs
- Arms
- Grip strength
Holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of your chest, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Simply sit back into a squat and back, repeating this move for the desired reps.
2 – SPIDER Curl
Helps to work your:
- Biceps
- Triceps
Lie down on an incline bench (or something similar in your home that is safe to use) and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Let the dumbbells hang underneath your shoulders and curl the dumbbells towards you and back down again.
3 – SPOOKY Shoulder Raise
Helps to work your:
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Traps
- Upper Chest
Hold onto both ends of a dumbbell and let it hang downwards. Simply lift the dumbbell above your head and back down again – repeat this for the desired amount of reps.
4 – Hollow Body SKULL CRUSHERS
Helps to work your:
- Triceps
- Core
- Abs
Lie on your back with your legs out straight while holding two dumbbells directly over your shoulders. While tightening your abs, lightly push your lower back into the floor and raise your legs JUST an inch whilst also raising your shoulder blades off the floor. Next, keep your arms straight and shift your upper arms back marginally. Then lower the weights close to your shoulders, ensuring you bend at your elbows only and keep the rest of your body in the position described previously. Repeat this for as many reps as you can handle!
5 – Dumbbell DEVIL’S Press
This works your:
- Chest
- Glutes
- Shoulders
- Arms
Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them by your sides. Begin by dropping yourself into a press-up position and do a burpee – when you stand up, use the force created to swing the dumbbells between your legs and then above your head. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
6 – COFFIN Crunches
Helps to work your:
- Abs
Lie down on the floor whilst holding a dumbbell across your chest. Raise your torso off the ground whilst ensuring you engage your abs, and then lower yourself down slowly.
Try these exercises out and let us know how you get on via our socials!