Functional Fitness specialists, Jordan Fitness, has signed a deal with St Johnstone Football Club in Perth as part of a year- long sponsorship.

The club, who are riding high in the Scottish Premier League, have opted for a range of Jordan Fitness strength and conditioning equipment including dumbbells, Powerbags, Plyometric Platforms and Tornado balls to assist them with their training.

The equipment has been acquired as part of St Johnstone Football Club’s strength and conditioning programme to help players build core strength and assist in injury prevention.

“We are delighted with the new kit from Jordan Fitness”, says Manager, Steve Lomas. “The players are certainly putting it to very good use on a daily basis to reach and maintain their high levels of fitness. Professional people like working with professional equipment and the Jordan Fitness equipment certainly fits the bill”.

 “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to support St Johnstone Football Club with their training needs and to enable them to continue to go from strength to strength.” Says Zak Pitt, Sales Director at Jordan Fitness.

For more information on St Johnstone Football Club visit http://www.perthstjohnstonefc.co.uk


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