Brothers Martin and Stuart own their own Boutique style Personal Training Studio in Teddington, a leafy suburb of London.
Offering one-to-one PT and a range of small group training options, they work with a wide range of clients in order to assist them with achieving their personal goals.
Looking to make a statement and with space at a premium, the brothers began to look for something that delivered on versatility, durability and user friendliness.
The HIIT Bench from Jordan Fitness met every single one of their needs, from storage to functionality, and with the option to custom brand both their dumbbells and the HIIT Bench itself offered the 5-Star finish they desired. As a smaller studio, the space-saving HIIT Bench enables Foundry Fitness to offer a range of workouts using the plyo box topper and rope attachments.
Additionally, the pair opted to invest in a set of dumbbells with a corresponding rack that were also fully customised in order to ensure their business’ strong branding is uninterrupted throughout the entire studio.