Professional Featherweight Boxer, Jordan Gill is a renowned elite performer whose talent has enabled him his previous Commonwealth title, among others, and secures himself with the former pro boxer and experienced manager/coach – Dave Coldwell.

Jordan have sponsored Gill aka The Thrill, since he was 17 and continue to support him throughout his training and fights as he progresses further in his boxing career. Having grown up locally to our Jordan HQ, our relationship with Jordan Gill is stronger than ever and continues to grow as he progresses.

Having trained almost every day to get him where he is today, it’s crucial that Gill incorporates functional training into his regime. The benefits of training this way have been heavily praised by his manager/coach – Dave Coldwell as he describes functional training to have had a profound improvement on his strength and physical ability and praises its significance to his boxers as they train.

I can’t thank Jordan enough for their ongoing support of my career. Jordan Fitness were my first sponsors and came on board from the very start of my career, so delivering a title for them was great. We have a great partnership! - Jordan Gill
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